Inès has been intrigued by wine very young, fascinated by adults drinking it and wondering how this smell was tasting. Because yes, she was always allowed to smell and tried already to guess the fruits that she could detect when she was twelve. After years of studying in different countries, all wine countries, she settled in Brussels where finally she has followed with great interest several wine tasting courses to acquire the more official knowledge of tasting.
Sam was nine years old in 1985, when the Live Aid benefit concert was about to be broadcasted. He loved music so much that he had to absolutely watch the whole show and managed to convince his parents to stay up much later than a boy his age should. He started with the violin, but became a guitar player and later added harmonica, piano and some percussion instruments. As an adult, he attended and photographed an uncountable number of music concerts and festivals, played in several bands and deejayed in bars and parties.